I took note of Steven Robert Allen's op-ed piece in yesterday's edition (14 January 2008 -- MWB) of the Journal, and as a Libertarian, I must object to the idea of publicly-financed political campaigns. Why would I object, you ask? Simply because this sets up the system for the members of the public to be taxed to subsidize candidates that they wouldn't ordinarily touch with a ten-foot pole. Apparently the Governor's "Ethical Reform" Task Force supports this folly. There is no way that I as a member of the Libertarian Party can sign off on this in good conscience. To the black and hispanic voters of New Mexico, and those who invoke the memory of Martin Luther King to support their "progressive" causes, I ask you -- do you support being taxed to possibly provide funds to the Ku Klux Kandidate?
Mike Blessing,
Chair, Bernalillo County Libertarian Party
Printed in the 20 January 2008 edition of the Albuquerque Journal --
Public Campaign Financing the Klan?
AS A LIBERTARIAN, I must object to the idea of publicly-financed political campaigns . . . simply because this sets up the system for the public to be taxed to subsidize candidates they wouldn't ordinarily touch with a 10-foot pole. Apparently the governor's ethics-reform task force supports this folly.
To the black and Hispanic voters of New Mexico, and those who invoke the memory of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to support their "progressive" causes, I ask you: Do you support being taxed to possibly provide funds to the Ku Klux Kandidate?
Chairman, Bernalillo County Libertarian Party, Albuquerque
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